Hi friends - I hope your new year is starting out well!
My husband looked at me the other night & said, " Do we have any resolutions?" I laughed and told him I was doing what I did last year which was a "word of the year". I don't know if he's on board since it's more big idea, and less concrete, but we will see.
I didn't share this last year, but I thought I would revisit that and then be more accountable to my word this year.
Last year, my word was GROW. I know it's very broad, but this was my first attempt.
Now in retrospect, it was an excellent choice because 2021 was full of changes and adversity which leads to alot of growth!
It has also led to alot of faith. I heard a great sermon recently about God turning twigs into trees through adversity. And even though we don't like it when life is hard that is when we grow the most, depend on our Lord to help us through, and come out better on the other side. I think that is a good summary of last year for me.
So this year... I want to BLOOM.
What does this mean? The definition is "to produce flowers" or "to come into full beauty or health; to flourish".
Well I am hoping and planning for less struggle, more focused energy on plans/goals/dreams, and having lovely outcomes that also bear fruit. A flower's purpose is scientifically geared toward reproduction not beauty, but the beauty usually aids in the reproduction.
I am totally ready to flourish in our new family business ventures after the first year of career and lifestyle change, improvements, and making new contacts and customers. The foundation is laid and now we maintain and build = Less Struggle.
More Focused Energy on the better, more "flowery" side, which is my QUILTING. I am very excited for the Nothing but Love quilt along which has been behind the scenes for about 2 years. And I hope that you enjoy it and continue to join me on more quilting adventures throughout and beyond.
Reproduction and Bearing Fruit - There are MANY quilt patterns and fn things waiting to burst forth, so I am looking forward to making that a reality. I also have some educational programs that I am working through that I imagine aiding me in more quilty adventures.
So that is my direction for the year - "up & out" like Will Wonka said. What is your new year plan? Do you make resolutions or goals? Maybe try a word of the year...
Don't forget I am always adding to my Pinterest boards with things for being cleaner and more organized, connecting to yourself and family, cooking, and crafting. Click the Pinterest icon or the link below to check it out:
'Til next time, be blessed & Happy New Year!